Service Options

 There are four (4) types of Services. They include:

 1.  Spot Coaching or Short-Term Intensives: For task-oriented issues or projects. You might need a single conversation or several depending on the task and deadlines in play.

  2.  Development Coaching: To address more complex challenges that require observation, reflection and acquisition of new knowledge, practices and skills commensurate with personal and professional aspirations and goals.
The average engagement is 3-6 months.

 3.  Process Consulting: For big-picture challenges that organizations and small businesses face when designing structures & processes that require the free flow of communication needed to effectively transmit and implement a person's or organization's vision, mission, values, strategic initiatives, and SOPs that result in the products or services they represent. The average engagement is 2-6 months.

 4.  Strategic Advisory: A longer-term commitment to ongoing thought-partnering where we generate ideas and attend to everyday challenges while monitoring progress, strategy and performance (results) over time for their effectiveness. Engagements run 3, 6, 9 or 12 months.