Any successful voyage requires knowledge of the vessel, a destination, a well-planned route and the skill to Navigate the conditions. As navigators of our personal and professional lives, we need to understand who we are and where we are going. We need the necessary skills to steer ourselves to our stated destination(s). Most importantly, we must be able to effectively Communicate with conviction, clarity, curiosity and compassion with those who join us along the way. Not only must we Find our voice, we must learn to Give voice to the challenges, opportunities, and people that visit our everyday voyages into personal and professional fulfillment.
Dawn Alexander, M.A., PCC, is a personal development educator and in the role of strategic advisor, thought-partner and leader development coach, Dawn helps people Navigate the complex journey into personal and professional fulfillment and success.
No matter one's education, experience or role, Dawn generates conversations that light new pathways. Dawn creates, in tandem with each client, a dynamic crucible in which the act of "learning" itself takes center-stage in catalyzing human potential. Learning that is consequential. Learning that is actionable, observable, repeatable, memorable, and in certain circumstances, life altering.
There is no better choice than to have a strategic advisor to help Navigate personal challenges and/or that new job/position, strategic initiative, organizational change, upcoming presentation, request for funds, conflict ... always with an emphasis on building strong reciprocal relationships based on trust and respect.
And, there is no better plan than to have a trusted partner, prepared to help you Navigate the complexity of challenges where personal development and professional maturation meet.